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Click to download: Trip Leader Guidelines 

Trips Leader Guidelines

General Information

1. Place notice in MW newsletter and/ or send through our  Yahoo Groups website. (Membership in MWOC is required to lead a trip)

2. If you have not lead a group trip in the past make it easy, choose a local destination and an area you are familiar with.  Mentally think through the trip with all the possibilities in order to prepare you and the group for any eventualities. Keep the environment in mind and the difficulty in organizing large groups.  Limit the number of people for the location.  You can always use a “waiting list”

3.  All this information does not need to be in the newsletter or in Yahoo Groups. But there should be enough information to give people an idea as to whether they are interested.

Description of  the Activity, date (s), your  name, phone number, location, difficulty, distance, the number of people, and if dogs are welcome (s ), fitness level, necessary equipment, distance/terrain, type of vehicle,  i.e.,  4WD, high clearance , road conditions, , also length of time.

Save some of the details so people will call you for more information  and you will  have  an opportunity to learn more about their fitness,  vehicle, and their expectations. For long trips it is a good idea to have a pre meeting of all people planning to go. 

4. To help with ideas there are many books, maps and materials available at local recreation stores as well as seasoned MW members who are great sources of information..  Several of the Recreation Stores have maps, topo maps, books, pamphlets  as well as equipment e to rent .Utilize the web and especially Forest Service, BLM.

5. Determine in advance who will drive and how many passengers they can accommodate. Make it clear that passengers pay for gas.  Try to limit the # of vehicles by arranging for  car pooling, extra vehicle parking, meeting place

6. If there are costs involved i.e. motel reservations, non refundable deposits $$ are helpful for serious commitments, and inform participate is you are you planning to eat out during the trip.

7. Have the MWOC  Liability Waiver signed by all those attending the activity especially if your trip is a travel trip.  Encourage everyone to read it prior to signing.

8. Have a list of equipment that is needed for the activity, i.e. lunch, water, clothing, first aid and safety equipment, camping equipment. Remember equipment can be shared, i.e., camp stoves, water filters, tents, etc.  If possible share copies of maps and detailed information with participants

9. You don’t have to know everything, ask seasoned MW members for suggestions.  You don’t have to be able to solve all the issues but you should be knowledge enough to be confident in your activity. Possibilities should include what can and may happen, good or bad.  One needs to 'see' the possible pitfalls.

10. Trip leaders have the final say in number of people, dogs, destination/location and any other decision making that pertains to the trip. 

Mountain West Outdoor Club, P.O. Box 6815, Boise, ID 83707

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